Our funders want to highly leverage their contributions by supporting volunteerism and service.
State Service Commissions can uniquely achieve this goal.
We Work With You
We explore with you which of our technologies and services could be most helpful in meeting your goals. We minimize requirements from you but invite you to be as involved as you desire and are able.
If, and when, appropriate we work with you in applying for or utilizing Volunteer Generation Fund (VGF) funding. This includes providing the required in-kind contributions to make for a highly successful private/public partnership.

Technology and Services

Integrated Website
Our insights into user experiences and design trends, along with knowledge of local, state and national volunteer ecosystems across multiple regions and states, make us the perfect partner for state service commission website redesigns or rebuilds. Every state needs and deserves its own place to tell its national and state service story and support its own programs in an effective, modern and easily-navigated way.
Example →
Nonprofit Guide
Our statewide nonprofit guides reveal to the prospective volunteer of all generations the many ways in which they can engage in their community, and state. Using modern innovative tools and providing unmatched services, our guides provide a comprehensive view of the state’s volunteer ecosystem and help the prospective volunteer take action on all levels of service opportunities and inspiration.
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Service Position Recruiting
A new recruitment tool to help attract and connect people to state and national service positions within a state. State service commissions have to rely upon antiquated websites, PDFs and lists of phone numbers in hopes that prospective national service members are ingenious and persistent enough to find their way to the right opportunity to serve. Our recruiting platform uses an innovative virtual event packet and artificial intelligence to speed the right matches, revealing the opportunities and making access to positions and viable candidates achievable like never before.
Example →Are you ready to explore what’s possible?
Want to learn more?
Michigan state service commission awards Inspiring Service contract
As part of its receipt of $2.2 million over three years from Americorps, the Michigan Community Service Commission has awarded a contract to Cincinnati-based Inspiring Service to support better volunteerism in Michigan. The funding will…
Massachusetts state agency awards Inspiring Service contract
The Massachusetts Service Alliance has awarded Inspiring Service a contract to implement an advanced technology platform for connecting the public to active nonprofits all over the Commonwealth. MSA, established in 1991 as a private, nonprofit…
Nevada Volunteers awards Inspiring Service contract to improve volunteerism
Nevada Volunteers, the Nevada governor’s commission on service, announced the launching of NV Volunteer Connect, the only volunteer-connecting service designed specifically for Nevada. NV Volunteer Connect is the easiest way for Nevadans to get…