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Boston Cares





Patrice Keegan




Boston Cares mobilizes and trains individual and corporate volunteers who strengthen communities and improve the lives of people in need. It partners with schools and nonprofits with needs that can be filled by volunteer teams; then it recruits, trains & leads reliable groups of volunteers who get the job done.

Business Model

Partnerships start at $3,000 for the production of a custom day of service engaging up to 25 volunteers. Average cost to each company is around $30,000. A significant part of Boston Care’s growth has come through an uptick in corporate community service projects.


Boston Cares is the largest volunteer agency in New England, an Innovation Hub within the global Points of Light network, and an award-winning leader in the volunteer engagement sector.  Since 1991, its volunteers have generated over 1 million hours of service. Year-round programs & seasonal service events engage 11,000 adults, children, teens & corporate partners who annually serve 70,000+ hours at almost 200 schools and nonprofits primarily in Greater Boston and eastern MA communities.

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